Wealden Works is a rural employability programme
We give opportunities for young people aged 16-24 in the Wealden area each year, who do not benefit from contacts with the business world and other support networks, to take an important step on their personal journey into employment and contributing citizenship.
Bridging the gap between education and work.

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We are a unique youth employment programme that works closely with local businesses and key organisations within the Wealden community.
Our main aim is to provide professional career advice and personal guidance to create positive pathways for young people.
Participants enjoy group team building events in a fun friendly environment. Wealden Works help them with our continued support to unlock their potential.
Self Confidence
The scheme develops personal and social skills, motivation and self-confidence so they can move forward with their lives into work, training or further education.
The group also contributes to projects which add value to the environment and community.
Latest News
What an amazing start to our occupancy at Tunstall House
Since taking on the lease in June, this fabulous building and inviting décor has been a real talking point for new visitors and service users.
Wealden Works Achieves the matrix Standard
The matrix Standard, owned by the Department for Education, is a national quality standard for information advice and guidance services. Here at Wealden Works we are proud to have achieved this standard at the first attempt, with hugely positive feedback from our assessors.
Join Now!
Interested in joining our programme?
Whether you are a young person aged 16-24 and living in the Wealden area looking to make a difference to their life, or a business able to offer work placements, permanent jobs or apprenticeships please get in touch.